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Can American Drone Swarms Beat Russia’s Anti-Missile Systems?

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Authored by retired Russian Colonel Vladimir Andreef via Quora,

In recent years, small UAVs (both mini and micro) have become a popular surveillance tool in the field of defense and security, and the constantly evolving technological progress is likely to provide a bright future for this technology.

Particular attention is paid to the further improvement of these systems for military operations in urban conditions, in many countries of the world continuous research and development work is being carried out in this direction.

However, in the modern operational space, these technologies are also spreading among terrorist and rebel groups seeking to use UAVs to deliver dirty bombs, which forces the authorities to increase the security of their own systems, as well as radically change the tactics and methods of combating UAVs.

One of the most important advantages of using mini- and micro-UAVs is that they are able to carry out reconnaissance missions, while remaining undetected, they cannot be detected by air defense radars and ground-based radars programmed to capture larger airborne vehicles.

However, after the use of small-sized UAVs by fighters of various kinds during military operations in Israel and Libya, the military and industry have now taken up this threat and have begun to develop special technology that will identify, track and neutralize mini- and micro-UAVs.

The Executive Director of Enterprise Control Systems noted the following: “Nearly every day, UAV incidents and drone safety perimeter breaks occur. In turn, the AUDS system is able to remove the increased fears in the military, government and commercial structures associated with small UAVs. ”

While UAVs have many positive uses, it is expected that they will increasingly be used for villainous purposes. They can carry cameras, weapons, toxic chemicals and explosives and will increasingly be used for terror, espionage and smuggling.”

At a California test site, 103 Perdix drones released from three F / A-18 super-hornets demonstrated complex swarm behavior, including collective decision making, adaptive formation and self-healing flight. You see all this on American Drone (MICRO-UAV DRONE) Technology to kill Russian S-500 Prometey.

At first glance, the use of a swarm can completely block the fairly high-tech S-500. The developers somehow do not take into account the multilevel nature of the Russian air defense systems. Until the swarm reaches the main air defense forces, it will be attacked by 2 or even 3 simpler air defense systems, but which are aimed at destroying drones, which are often quite vulnerable to various radio suppression and physical destruction systems. I will not speak about various systems using a radiomagnetic pulse, which burns out all the electronic stuffing of hundreds of aircraft at once in a limited space. As we say: “For every tricky nut there is always a bolt with a special thread …

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