Why Slave Economies Thwart Entrepreneurial Innovation

The new history of capitalism (NHC) offers libertarians an exciting opportunity to defend the vitality of capitalism. Scholars like Sven Beckert, Walter Johnson, and Edward Baptiste argue that slavery provides fascinating insights into the …

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3 Ways to Make Democracy Less Bad

Although many politicians and pundits have deified democracy, it often leads to the oppression of political minorities while encouraging abuse. Here are some strategies for lessening the damage democracy can …

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Covid and the Escalation of Medical Tyranny

Covid has exposed how easy it is for government to weaponize healthcare. How long will the doctor-patient relationship remain sacred? This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. …

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The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia

Tom Woods: when it comes to Covid-19, bureaucrats and politicians keep moving the goal posts, changing the rules, and engaging in bait-and-switch tactics, so they can maintain the “new normal” …

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A Critique of the Labor Theory of Value

[This selection is adapted from “The Labor Theory of Value: A Critique of Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy,” Journal of Libertarian Studies 20, no. 1 (2006). Please see original for full references and footnotes.] Before …

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