Why Americans Fear the COVID-19 Vaccine

Six months into America’s COVID-19 pandemic, cases are surging, small businesses are faltering, playgrounds are empty, and unemployment is at 11 percent. Our best hope for ending this nightmare is …

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Today in Supreme Court History: August 4, 1961

8/4/1961: President Barack Obama’s birthday. He would appoint two Justices to the Supreme Court: Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. President Obama’s appointees to the Supreme Court ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason …

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Brickbat: Whose Side Are You On?

Douglas County, Nevada, Public Library Director Amy Dodson insists that a proposed library diversity statement in support of the Black Lives Matter movement was not an anti-police statement. “It simply …

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Extramural Speech at Auburn

Auburn University is currently struggling to stick to its principles on free expression. Hopefully they will get it right in the end, but it shouldn’t be this hard. Jesse Goldberg …

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