Today in Supreme Court History: March 17, 1777

3/17/1777: Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney’s birthday. ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil liberties, politics, technology, …

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A Voice From the Grave

While the earliest recording of a human voice dates to 1860, researchers at the University of London recently announced the recreation of a voice that is much older. Using a …

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Brickbat: The Lost Boys

The legislature of Berlin, Germany, has agreed to pay compensation to two men who were placed as children, at age six and age 14 respectively, by the city-state with known …

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An (almost) COVID-19-free episode

If your podcast feed has suddenly become a steady diet of more or less the same COVID-19 stories, here’s a chance to listen to cyber experts talk about something they …

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Can the Government Just Close My Favorite Bar?

Thankfully, epidemics are no longer a routine feature of American life. The long struggle of learning how diseases worked, improving public health, and developing medical countermeasures have separated us from …

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