Another cause of dementia exposed by research

Air pollutants may get to lungs and bloodstream, affecting the brain and cause cognitive decline, a UK government review suggests Air pollution is a likely cause of dementia and overall …

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EU top diplomat not happy about Lavrov’s popularity

Josep Borrell complains that the Western media keeps ignoring him, while reporting the Russian foreign minister words EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has complained that he’s less popular with …

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UK army will grow – defence secretary

Ben Wallace said that the British military is drawing “lessons” from Ukraine British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday that with both candidates for prime minister promising spending hikes, …

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Kremlin warns West after RT France ban upheld

Moscow says the EU is “stomping out” the idea of freedom of speech by cracking down on the Russian broadcaster Moscow will apply “similar reciprocal” measures to Western media working …

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China responds to proposed Russian oil sanctions

US Senator Marco Rubio introduced a bill intended to punish Beijing for buying energy supplies from Moscow Beijing pushed back on Tuesday against a proposal by US Senator Marco Rubio …

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US has been brought to its knees – Trump

The former president claims his country is suffering one ‘historic humiliation’ after another The United States has become “a beggar nation,” former President Donald Trump said during a speech at …

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