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Nunes: Fusion GPS Bank Records Show Payments From Clinton Campaign & DNC

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Via SaraACarter.com,

“I was often smeared,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) told Fox News.

“And now, what we know is, there’s a link between those who were doing the smearing and Fusion GPS.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkIcDuKioeQ]

“When we were investigating Fusion GPS, they were actively involved in working to smear me to obstruct justice, to derail our investigation – and so, I’m gonna hold these guys accountable, and this is just one of many steps we’re gonna continue to take,” continued Nunes.

Nunes filed a $9.9 million federal conspiracy lawsuit in the Eastern District of Virginia alleging that the Fusion GPS behind the anti-Trump Steele dossier coordinated with another group to file several fraudulent and harassing ethics complaints intended to derail his investigation.

The complaint named Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and the nonprofit Campaign for Accountability (CfA), said the “smear” tactics kicked into action shortly after Simpson “lied” in his closed-door testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November 2017, as well as before the Senate Judiciary Committee in August 2017.

“The bank records produced by Fusion GPS revealed that the Clinton campaign, the DNC and Perkins Coie paid for Fusion GPS’ anti-Trump research,” Nunes’ complaint stated.

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