Guest Posts

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Would you like to submit your own article on the Libertarian Hub? Increase traffic to your website, improve SEO through quality backlinks and promote issues that are important to you.

Current Guest Post Rates:
$20/article for standard categories (Politics, Culture, War & Peace, Business & Economics, and Podcasts)
$40/article for “Editor’s Choice” featured category
* A 25% surcharge will apply to guest posts if they do not pertain to or reference libertarianism

Articles are defined as 1000 words or less. Articles greater than 1000 words will be pro-rated per the base price of the original article. Example: a 3500 word article at the standard $20 rate would be $20 for the first 1000 words, and $50 for the next 2500 words – $70 total.

Payment is accepted in USD, Bitcoin, Litecoin or USDC stablecoin. Payment is due within 24hrs of publishing a guest post, otherwise the article will be removed. Payment instructions will be provided via email.

To submit a guest post please fill out the request form below describing the nature and topic of your proposed guest post. We will reply and provide instructions for article submission and payment (We accept USD and the following cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, USDC or LTC)

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