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“I Care” – Emotional Billionaire Cooperman Breaks Out In Tears Over American Political Divide

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“I Care” – Emotional Billionaire Cooperman Breaks Out In Tears Over American Political Divide

Just a few short days since Leon Cooperman took Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren to task over her policies that will destroy the American Dream:

“But this is the f—ing American dream she is s—-ing on.”

The hedge fund manager agreed to a lengthy interview with CNBC. It was wide-ranging and pushed the billionaire to tears.

“I don’t need Elizabeth Warren telling me I’m a dead beat…”

She is “screwing around with the wrong guy… I want to give it all away… but I want to control the decisions.”

On politicians:

“They are in the soundbite business… not real policy discussions”

Warren’s wealth tax plan is “morally wrong.”

“I don’t need Elizabeth Warren or the government giving away my money…”

On villifying the wealthy in general:

“…people don’t hate millionaires, they want to be one”

“This is idiocy, this is appealing to the lowest common denominator by promising everyone free stuff”

“Education is the solution…”

“…there’s no free lunch. You can take all the money away from all the rich people and it wouldn’t solve the problems”

“The world is upside down…”

On President Trump:

“President Trump needs to change his dialogue and treatment of people, Leon Cooperman says about the possibility of a Trump re-election in 2020.

“…if he is not prepared to change behavior he should take a ‘victory lap’ and not run again…”

“We need a unifier.”

On the media:

“I’m waiting for Walter Cronkite to come back from the grave so I can get my news objectively”

And then Cooperman got very emotional when discussing the future of America for his kids and grandkids.

As he concluded previously:

“Their stories, and many more like they are the very embodiment of the American Dream. For you to suggest that capitalism is a dirty word and that these people, as a group, are ingrates who didn’t earn their riches through strenuous effort and (in many cases) paradigm-shifting insights, and now don’t pull their weight societally indicates that you either are grossly uninformed or are knowingly warping the facts for narrow political gain.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 11/04/2019 – 12:58

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