On today’s episode of Felony Friday Claus “Moffe” Nielsen joins the show. Claus has a very important story to tell. Many American politicians, such as current Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, paint Denmark to be a liberal utopia. Claus pulls back the current to reveal the truth by sharing the injustice he suffered while living in Denmark.
Claus had his life life turned upside down while living in Denmark. It all started when he began to produce his own THC-oil to help his daughter fight cancer. The THC oil helped his daughter to beat cancer and soon demand grew from others who were sick and wanted his THC-oil for their ailments. Eventually Claus was arrested, tried and convicted.
The Lions of Liberty are a group of like-minded individuals, who have come together in an effort to advance the ideas of liberty daily. Marc Clair (Editor-in-chief) has been an ardent believer in libertarian ideals for over a decade, Marc decided to thrust himself into writing for the cause after becoming inspired by the Presidential campaigns of Ron Paul. In 2011, he helped to co-found the Lions Of Liberty with several like-minded friends from their college days at Penn State nearly a decade earlier. When he’s not serving as writer and editor-in-chief of Lions Of Liberty, he is busy with a freelance career in television and running a karaoke business in Los Angeles, CA. Visit https://lionsofliberty.com