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What Entrepreneurs and Wantrepreneurs Should Do While “Social Distancing”

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I happen to think this coronavirus could indeed get very bad.

I’m not the panicking sort, and I’m not known as a “fearmonger.”

But I’m reading every (reasonable) thing I can on it. On my Twitter feed I’ve posted opinion pieces issuing dire warnings as well as a much more optimistic take about the virus and its trajectory, interested to hear what my followers have to say about them.

I am following the advice to engage in “social distancing.” In the coming days I’ll be primarily at home, where I’ll spend time with loved ones, try out new recipes, and read two highly recommended books on how to design and deliver effective webinars.

Yes, you read that last one right.

The way I look at it is:

Instead of obsessing over the virus, I intend to spend time improving the life that I will resume once this crisis has passed.

I recommend you do the same.

But in your case, don’t read the books I’m reading.

Just read one simple document, which after tonight will no longer be available.

It’s a document I expect you — yes, specifically you, dear reader — to download and study. You will thank me.

What is it?

It’s the PDF of Ryan Levesque’s renowned Ask Method. It’s for existing entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs alike. It helps you make an informed decision on which market to enter and, once there, what to produce for that market.

It can be the difference between success and failure. Or the difference between modest success and off-the-charts success.

When Ryan appeared on my podcast (episode 1601), it was obvious that he was the real thing. (Not to mention Ben Settle’s endorsement; His Crotchety doesn’t endorse many people, as you may know.)

Ryan runs his free Ask Method workshop once a year, and then he takes it down. Tonight is when he takes it down, and that includes this PDF.

His method has generated extremely good results for a great many people, because it involves having your audience tell you what they want. (You can’t just straight-up ask them, by the way; the correct way to do it is more subtle.)


(1) It costs nothing;

(2) It comes down tonight and won’t be available again for a year;

(3) It has the potential to save you some serious frustration and grief, and to propel you toward your goals.

This you just have to do.

Here’s the link:

Download Audio

Read the original article at

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