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Gun Battle Unfolds At Residential Complex Near Moscow

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Gun Battle Unfolds At Residential Complex Near Moscow

Tyler Durden

Sun, 05/24/2020 – 22:05

A gun battle unfolded at a residential complex called “Yasny” in the south region of Moscow on Sunday, reported TASS News. Residents saw men firing AK-47s and other weapons on the streets below their windows.

“On the territory of Yasnoy, unidentified people opened fire on each other. At present, the police put on the wanted list cars that are supposedly hiding the incident participants – Mercedes, Ford, Toyota,” a law enforcement agency spokesperson told TASS. 


The spokesperson said at least eight people were involved in the shootout. 

“They shot at each other with traumatic pistols and, presumably, from the Saiga and Vepr hunting rifles.” 


So far, the incident has resulted in “no casualties, and a police search has been launched for at least eight people,” said RT News. Police have yet to release a motive behind the gun battle. 

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