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The Resistance Thrives: 8 Successes Against Corona Communism

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The resistance to corona communism is thriving. Though there have been additional hurdles, individual Americans are increasingly returning things to normal, one person at a time. Some backlash is also coming as people increasingly look to the normally insulated public health community and demand they explain the damage they caused and continue to cause.

Victory in Palm Beach County!

What happened in Palm Beach is not as wonderful as how it happened. On Monday, May 11, 2020 Palm Beach County became the first county in South Florida to re-open according to the Sun Sentinel, snubbing federal guidelines.

“The county commission voted 5-1 on May 5 to ask Gov. Ron DeSantis to lift restrictions designed to stop the spread of the new coronavirus anyway, and he approved. On Monday, restaurants, salons, and malls flung open their doors, albeit at 25% percent capacity.”

It took the local Karens eleven days to figure out and that local officials had snubbed federal guidelines and to get that sin into the paper. Local officials feigned shock upon being confronted with the information that they opened without following federal guidelines.

The article neglects to mention that Sunday, May 3, two days before the county board vote, there were 1,200 boats in the water at a single event at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach County, filled with people not social distancing, Craigslist stayed as active as ever, and the so-called #FloridaMorons who never took the lockdown seriously were long past done with it.

The Palm Beach County Board opened just in time to avoid being laughed into utter irrelevancy. The county board looked like nincompoops forcibly shuttering businesses while neighboring Martin County boomed and was open for business, attracting the people of Palm Beach who were ready for normalcy.

The grand takeaway from this: never move to a place run by Karens. Live somewhere Karen free.

Zero Hedge Returns!

Zero Hedge, the first casualty of Covid censorship, had its Twitter account taken down in late January for tweeting a fascinating article about recent job postings at a Wuhan lab near the epicenter of the corona outbreak, that by June 2020 standards is tame. Every day that the discussion on corona progressed and Internet sleuths dug further into the possible origins of SARS-COV-2, the more ridiculous Twitter looked for permanently deleting the Zero Hedge account. They are back!

Expose Bill Gates

#ExposeBillGates trended late Saturday afternoon on Twitter, with 120,000 tweets, as Twitter’s censors fell asleep at the switch. The oversight was soon remedied. June 13, 2020 represented a global day of action against Bill Gates from social media to documentaries to podcasts to public demonstrations to people tabling in public. The meme artistry of the day was magnificent as well. Bill Gates tried to further subjugate the world and accidentally woke people up. Mass vaccination is suddenly looking a lot harder and the voices against it are growing more organized.

Chicago PD Not Protecting, Guns Hard To Get, So Individuals Protect Themselves & Their Neighbors — With Baseball Bats

Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who recently cussed out an alderman who complained about her inability to keep the city safe, criticized locals for wanting to keep themselves safe by forming neighborhood watch groups and open carrying baseball bats. Kudos to those who refuse to believe the narratives of local pols that they have everything under control.

And Guns Too

Some Chicagoans are protecting their property and their neighborhood from looters by openly carrying rifles, as can be seen in this amusing video taken by a hysterical observer who seems bothered to not be able to freely rob a local store. The video is taken on the southwest corner of south 73rd Place and Stony Island, across from Mosque Maryam, the Nation of Islam headquarters. For decades, legally owned firearms were difficult to come by in Chicago, unless one was a police officer or politician.

Bravely Reopening — Support These Conferences That Don’t Fear Corona Or Karens

Though it’s not clear how long the hysterical 18-month rolling lockdowns called for in the Neil Ferguson “research” will continue, a few conferences have been announced for the months ahead. Instead of following the conference trend of taking the year off, they are showing leadership. I, for one, am grateful.

Moderately Brave — Money 2020

Money 2020  has announced it will take place in Las Vegas, in October with a “toned down” 6,000 participants.

More Brave — Bit Block Boom

With some states unwilling to promise they will even fully open up by August, the brave organizers of Bit Block Boom vow to have their third conference this August in Dallas, Texas.

Real Brave! — AnarchoVegas

When Covid crossed the Pacific, at least half of the toughest-talking members of the smaller government crowd ran for cover begging government for help and demanding everyone else be locked down by force. Something tells me the AnarchoVegas folks didn’t do that. AnarchoVegas  will fearlessly meet in July in Las Vegas. Show them some love by telling them how rad they are for promoting liberty, especially in this darkest hour when liberty is most needed. And if you aren’t too scared, why not show up as well. Thank you to the AnarchoVegas team!

VICTORY: Orange County Face Mask Tyrant Resigns After Protests Outside Her Home

After instituting corona communism in Orange County, California, America’s 6th most populous county, a move that brought untold death and destruction and little benefit, Dr. Nichole Quick took it a step further by ordering face masks. That was a step too far for the locals.

This unelected bureaucrat had to be put in her place. They took it to her house, where her three children could hear protestors reflect on their mother’s impositions on their own lives. Marxists in public health like Dr Quick were taught to make the personal political, a deeply immoral act. Orange County protestors did the opposite and brought the political stage into her personal life, until she cracked and suddenly resigned on Monday, June 8, 2020.

Congratulations Orange County protestors. The wicked witch is gone, but her awful face mask order which is neither legal nor data-driven remains. Next up Dr. Clayton Chau, her replacement.

O.C. Victory #2 — Face Mask Order Rescinded

The afternoon of Thursday, June 11,

2020, Orange County repealed the mandatory face mask order. This was the direct result of public pressure.

Director Rio Grande Health Department — FIRED

Emily Brown, director of the Rio Grande County Public Health Department in rural Colorado was pushed out by officials in response to public criticism in late May.

“After polling local health directors across the state at a meeting last month,” Theresa Anselmo, the executive director of the Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials, “found about 80% said they or their personal property had been threatened since the pandemic began. About 80% also said they’d encountered threats to pull funding from their department or other forms of political pressure.” It’s refreshing to see the awful public health profession begin to receive pushback.

Ohio State Health Director — RESIGNED

Having previously been praised by the Washington Post  for her tough corona response, Ohio’s state health director, Amy Acton, who had armed protesters come to her house, resigned Thursday, June 11, 2020.

Detroit’s Senior Public Health Adviser, Dr. Kanzoni Asabigi — RETIRED EARLY

Dr. Kanzoni Asabigi, who is well-respected in the public health community retired suddenly.

North Carolina Health Director of the Year — “RESIGNED”

Friday, June 5, Gaston County North Carolina lifted its state of emergency, Monday, June 8, Chris Dobbins, the head of North Carolina’s Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services, resigned abruptly stating it was for personal reasons.

New Jersey Health Official — Conflict of Interest — FIRED

Chris Neuwirth, a top official at the New Jersey Department of Health has been fired from a job that involved planning the state’s testing protocols for COVID-19. Some speculate it was “related to a second job Neuwirth held in the private sector — something that was not included on his disclosure form for the state, as required by law.”

Cook County, Illinois Public Health Officer — FIRED

One of the top health officials responsible for coordinating the coronavirus response in suburban Cook County, Dr. Terry Mason, was fired without explanation after more than ten years working for the county.

Connecticut Health Commissioner — FIRED

Renée Coleman-Mitchell was fired from her role as commissioner of the state Department of Public Health and rather than being replaced, her work load was given to a person already running another department.

Two Dozen Other Health Directors — Fired, Retired, or Resigned

“A review by Kaiser Health News and The Associated Press finds at least 27 state and local health leaders have resigned, retired or been fired since April across 13 states.

“From North Carolina to California, they have left their posts because of a mix of backlash and stressful, nonstop work, all while dealing with chronic staffing and funding shortages.”

As Americans come to recognize that they’ve been duped and that public health is another word for Marxism, it would be wonderful to see more of these troublemakers fired and ideally replaced with no one as their budgets are defunded. (Defund Public Health!) Under the guise of health, with little oversight, and with extensive taxpayer funding the Marxist-dominated field of public health has done great harm to our society.

American Lutheran Church Tucson, AZ — Still Here

Arizona never demanded that churches close. Pastors and church councils just complied out of total ridiculous, uninformed fear. At least one church (and likely hundreds of others that are staying quiet) refused to close even a single Sunday. American Lutheran Church of Tucson, Arizona is still here! Thank you to those brave folks. I’ve watched them from afar in admiration and their courage has been contagious.

The Best Corona Resistance

Though it’s fun to resist a tyrant, the most wonderful way to resist is to just ignore and live your life.

I invite you to shoot me an email if you have other examples of corona resistance.

The post The Resistance Thrives: 8 Successes Against Corona Communism appeared first on LewRockwell.

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