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Facebook Removed Trump Campaign Ad For “Organized Hate” Violation

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Facebook Removed Trump Campaign Ad For “Organized Hate” Violation

Tyler Durden

Thu, 06/18/2020 – 13:39

CNN just confirmed a report initially published by the NY Daily News that Facebook removed a Trump 2020 campaign ad over violations of its “organized hate” policy.


FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg infamously earned the ire of Congressional Democrats and the progressive left after refusing to censor political ads containing alleged “misinformation” (as all political ads have since time immemorial).

Apparently, the offending ad can be seen below: Certain iterations of the ad included a symbol that the Trump campaign intended to associate with the “left-wing mobs” it referenced in the post.

Apparently, Facebook deemed that the red upside down triangle is associated with the holocaust after a far-left group posing as a ‘human rights’ organization accused Trump of “campaigning for the 2020 election using a Nazi concentration camp symbol”.


We suspect that almost none of the users who viewed the ad on Facebook made the association, which is why it was apparently flagged by an activist group that’s clearly digging for anything in Trump’s campaign materials that can possibly be portrayed as ‘racist’ or ‘antisemetic’ – however tenuous the connection.

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