“Roberts has also been in the court’s majority more than any other justice, at 98 percent of the time.”

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At SCOTUSBlog, Adam Feldman released the interim stat pack. Chief Justice Roberts is firmly in control of this term:

Roberts has also been in the court’s majority more than any other justice, at 98 percent of the time. Kavanaugh is close behind at 96 percent, followed by Justice Neil Gorsuch at 87 percent. Roberts has also been the only justice in the majority in all eight of the court’s 5-4 decisions. Kavanaugh has authored the most 5-4 opinions so far this term, with three; Justice Samuel Alito authored the other two signed 5-4 opinions.

Roberts has been in the majority in 46 out of 47 argued cases. Kavanaugh has been in the majority in 44 out of 46 cases. (He recused in one case). Justice Thomas has only been in the majority 72% of the time.

This term, Roberts has authored zero concurrences and zero dissents in argued cases. Justice Kagan has also authored zero dissents. In contrast, Justice Thomas wrote eight concurrences and eight dissents.

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