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UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of “Pandemic”

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UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of “Pandemic”

Tyler Durden

Sat, 08/22/2020 – 08:10

Via 21stCenturyWire.com,

New evidence has emerged which shows that UK hospital admissions for COVID-19 were ‘over-reported’ during the height of the crisis back in April. It seems that patients who were being taken in for other common illnesses were in fact being counted as ‘COVID’ in the government’s statistical totals.

This latest embarrassing admission comes on the heels of other similar revelations of dubious record-keeping by the government – all of which have been pivotal in giving the false impression to the public that there were more COVID deaths than actually took place. Back in July, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock was forced to admit how data from Public Health England regarding coronavirus fatalities were being fraudulently recorded – effectively ‘double counting’ their deaths, forcing the government officials to revise their totals downwards to reflect more realist numbers.

This latest ‘COVID counting’ scandal in the area of hospital admissions shows why the these numbers are crucial in how government policies are sold to the public. Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) at Oxford University said, “The  admissions data is a crucial point. I’d say it is more important than the death data because it is the best marker of the impact of the disease.”

This widespread practice of exaggerating COVID casualty numbers appears to have aided the government in justifying its shaky position on to imposing draconian ‘lockdown’ measures and school closures, as well as to hype the imminent release of a COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine which the UK government has been developing in partnership with pharmaceutical firms like AstaZeneca and its vaccine financiers at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Telegraph reports…

Hospital admissions for Covid-19 were over-reported at the peak of the pandemic, with patients who were taken in for other illnesses being included in outbreak statistics, it has emerged.

An investigation for the Government’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) found that people were being counted as Covid hospital admissions if they had ever had the virus, and were added to those being admitted directly due to it.

Government figures show that, at the peak of the pandemic in early April, nearly 20,000 people a week were being admitted to hospital with coronavirus (see graph below), but the true figure is unknown because of the problem with over-counting.

The oversight echoes recent problems with the data for Covid-19 deaths, in which it emerged that thousands of people who died of other causes were being included in coronavirus statistics if they had once tested positive.

Professor Graham Medley, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, asked by Sage to look into the situation, told The Telegraph: “By June, it was becoming clear that people were being admitted to hospital for non-Covid reasons who had tested positive many weeks before…

Continue this story at The Telegraph…

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