CNN Has Turned Itself Into America’s “Baghdad Bob”

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CNN Has Turned Itself Into America’s “Baghdad Bob”

Tyler Durden

Sat, 08/29/2020 – 08:20

Authored by Andrea Widburg via,

On Tuesday, with its reporter standing in front of a raging fire, CNN ran a ludicrous chyron stating, “fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shooting.”

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be worthy of reporting three days later.

However, for some reason, this chyron was a bridge too far for many people, and the internet is still flooded with memes. It’s apparent that, with this latest denial of objective reality, CNN has finally completed its transformation into Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, whom many Americans remember almost fondly as Baghdad Bob, the Hussein regime propagandist who insisted that Saddam was winning even as U.S. troops entered Baghdad.

In 2003, when our military successfully invaded Iraq and quickly captured Baghdad, Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhafk, aka Baghdad Bob, was Saddam Hussein’s Minister of Information. As troops neared and then entered Baghdad, al-Sahhaf gave daily press briefings during which he announced the most outrageous lies about the wars.

For example, Baghdad Bob insisted that American troops were committing suicide “by the hundreds” and that none had entered Baghdad. Meanwhile, Americans were a few hundred yards away from him, and the audience could hear the sounds of their fighting. On April 8, four days before Americans captured Baghdad, al-Sahhaf was still insisting that U.S. troops “are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender. It is they who will surrender.”


Baghdad Bob was last heard from some years ago living in the United Arab Emirates. However, it’s entirely possible that he’s currently working for CNN, a former news network, and now a sloppy propaganda outlet for the Anarcho-Marxists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Obviously, things are a bit different here for Bob. Last time, American troops were closing in on Baghdad as Bob spun manifest lies about events. This time, American anarchists and communists are closing in on an American city as CNN spins manifest lies about events. But aside from the details, that chyron running across the bottom of the CNN screen is vintage Baghdad Bob:


For Americans fed up with a deeply dishonest media, this chyron seems to have been the last straw. Thankfully, rather than copying leftists and rising up with weapons and flames, Americans have instead mounted a sustained ridicule attack against CNN. It’s been three days and the jokes keep coming:

The Babylon Bee, typically, managed to craft an entire, hysterically funny article from CNN’s propaganda:

To all those conservatives and ordinary Americans having fun with this, you’ve mastered perfectly two of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon” and “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” Keep on doing what you’re doing.

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