Harvard CNN Analyst Claims “Russian Agents” Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump

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Harvard CNN Analyst Claims “Russian Agents” Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump

Tyler Durden

Tue, 10/06/2020 – 12:47

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A Harvard professor has claimed, without providing a single shred of evidence, that Russian intelligence agents were able to gain access to Walter Reed hospital where President Trump recovered from coronavirus over the weekend.

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Juliette Kayyem, who is also a regular CNN analyst, declared that it is “very likely” that Russian spies were there to gather information about Trump’s condition.

Kayyem, a senior lecturer in international security at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, tweeted out the bizarre proclamation along with “#doctorslietoo”.

Kayyem followed up with a double down tweet, asking “What part of this don’t you believe?” as if it was a perfectly rational claim to make.

Other Twitter users responded to the batshit insanity:

Kayyem’s assertions on Twitter are one thing, but her sometime employer CNN has been running programming claiming that Trump’s doctors and staff are all lying and “hiding” the severity of his condition:

This despite frequent video updates from Trump, reports about him working as normal from Walter Reed, and his discharge and return to the White House, where he stood and saluted last night before stepping back inside:

Trump urged Americans not to let this situation “dominate” their lives, and proclaimed that as a leader, he had to return quickly:

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