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Mask Wearing and Denial of Our Humanity

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People covering their faces from the nose down as they go about their daily activities, as demanded by many governments and businesses in the name of countering coronavirus, is dehumanizing. Even most people who falsely think “the science” has established wearing masks prevents the spread of coronavirus, in addition to individuals who know better but wear masks to avoid punishment or uncomfortable confrontation, are aware of the dehumanizing effect.

The “new normal” is not normal at all. Indeed, it is a danger to our health and fulfillment.

Over at Target Liberty on Monday, Rafi Farber, writes about his experience defying a mask mandate in Israel. Farber powerfully addresses the problem mandated mask wearing poses to our humanity.

Farber’s article begins with the following:

Last Friday night, January 8, 2020, for the first time in my life, I prayed to my Creator. In a vacuum it’s a strange statement to make for me because I’m an Orthodox Jew who “prays” three times a day. But I never really knew what that meant until Friday night. Here’s my story of how it happened.

I hate masks. I hate them so deeply it’s impossible to put it into words. But I’ll try. When I see a mask it’s like a gut punch to my soul. In Hebrew, the word for soul, Neshama, is the same as the word for breath – Neshima. It has the same root. According to Genesis, when God gave the first man life, he breathed life into none other than his face. Life is breath. It is a Divine kiss from the Creator.

It’s so obvious now that masks do absolutely nothing health-wise against this virus that it’s not worth repeating. What masks are – their entire essence – is pure dehumanization. You order someone to cover his face, and you are telling him to cover his humanity, to hide his soul. If you cannot see someone’s face you cannot see what they’re feeling or thinking. You can’t see them smile or frown. They become blank. You can still say words to people, but you can’t really communicate.

I know dehumanization when I see it. I know it well. Whether it’s a yellow Star of David on your chest, a tattooed number on your arm, stripping you of all clothing and shaving your head, or a damn mask right across your soul, it’s all the same thing. Your rulers see you as less than human. They always have. Now it’s just more obvious. To some of us at least. You are not a person. You are now simply a vector for disease.

Read the rest of Farber’s fascinating article, including his recounting of his novel confrontation with mask mandate enforcers, here.

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