Father-Son Tourists Arrested For Entering Hawaii With Fake Vaccination Cards

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Father-Son Tourists Arrested For Entering Hawaii With Fake Vaccination Cards

We detailed previously how the hugely controversial implementation of a so-called vaccine passport requirement at various international borders and even in some cities like in New York or San Francisco has given rise to a whole industry of counterfeiters producing fakes and forgeries, geared toward the unvaxxed getting around getting treated essentially like second-class citizens.

Going into the late summer and early fall, we are sure to hear many more stories like the following out this week: “Two tourists who traveled to Hawaii over the weekend have been arrested after authorities said the two men violated the state’s coronavirus restrictions by falsifying vaccine cards.”

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The pair of travelers from California, identified by the Hawaii Attorney General’s office as father and son 57-year old Norbert Chung and 19-year old Trevor Chung, were detained at Honolulu’s main airport on Sunday. 

Authorities were reportedly tipped off by someone identified as a concerned “community member” ahead of their arrival. They appeared to be trying to get around Hawaii’s mandatory 10-day quarantine requirement for entry into the state for the unvaccinated.

The AG’s office indicated they face a maximum punishment of up to a year in prison and $5,000 in fines each for the fake vaccination cards. Further the AG said it plans to “investigate and prosecute those who cheat the Safe Travels program, which was established to keep our islands safe.”

Apparently the incident was a big enough deal for the Hawaii’s Democrat Governor David Ige to address the matter at a Tuesday press conference announcing the arrests. He vowed that any fraudulent activity regarding COVID-19 documentation or attempts to illegally get around mandates would result in prosecution “to the fullest extent of the law.”

Local and national media used the occasion to “shame” the tourists while issuing a “warning” to others

Last week The Wall Street Journal documented multiple instances of fake vaccination cards and their proliferation on the internet, based largely on the relatively easy to forge initial CDC vaccination cards. “In the U.S., fake vaccination cards purportedly issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have appeared for sale on sites such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy,” the report detailed

These fakes are apparently now starting to show up at airports and border crossings in increasing numbers. And likely most have yet to be caught, given there’s not necessarily a uniform ‘proof of vaccine’ as yet.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 08/13/2021 – 17:30

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