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8/20/21 Daniel McAdams on Hubris of the Foreign Policy Establishment

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Scott talks with Daniel McAdams about his recent appearance on RT, where he challenged the Western Media’s narrative about China. McAdams says they have it backward, criticizing China for its best actions, such as economic engagement, while seemingly wanting to import the worst of China’s policies, like social credit scores. McAdams then speaks about how those in the Foreign Policy Establishment exist in an echo chamber. And that even when he had access to classified material, McAdams believes he was better informed by reading open-source websites like

Discussed on the show: 

McAdams interviewed on RT
Transcript of Biden’s Interview with George Stephanopoulos
Jim Bovard’s article about DC’s Arrogance
Jake Tapper interviews McMaster about Afghanistan Withdrawal 
Dave Smith Talking about Afghanistan on Kennedy (August 19th)
Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg
“Washington Free Beacon’s Hilarious Meltdown Over Afghanistan” (Ron Paul Institute)
“Responsible Statecraft Gets Its Moment” (Washington Free Beacon)
“’Ron Paul Was Right’: Rep’s Decade-old Afghanistan Remarks Resurface Amid Crisis” (Newsweek)
Justin Raimondo Columns starting in 1999

Daniel McAdams is the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and the co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Follow him on Twitter @DanielLMcAdams and read all of his work over at

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: The War State and Why The Vietnam War?, by Mike Swanson; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom;; EasyShip; Green Mill Supercritical; Bug-A-Salt; Lorenzotti Coffee and Listen and Think Audio.

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