Weekend Insights – Of Games, Math, and Politics?

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Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about… 

I know I’m a total nerd, but this was the coolest thing I saw all week:

It may not immediately present itself, but game theory actually has broad implications in thinking about monetization of goods (such as Bitcoin) and even politics. But for now, the math is super-fun.

COVID proves that a universal basic income (UBI) won’t work.

Property rights ARE HUMAN RIGHTS.

BJ Novak, one of the co-stars of “The Office”, recently had his face/likeness put in the public domain by “accident”. In this very odd case of intellectual property madness, BJ thinks it’s too silly to do anything about it (yet).

If you think Facebook is sketchy, so are their critics.

An overview of God’s Kingdom in the New Testament (thanks TIFWE!).

Warren Buffett: Really successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.

Check out this ultimate guide to productivity methods. I’m a particular fan of GTD myself.

Excellent piece by the excellent Cal Newport on Tim Ferriss’ excellent book: Revisiting The Four Hour Workweek. (If you’ve never read 4HWW, it’s worth the time, trust me.)

As always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom! (You can get two copies by donating at least $20 via this link.)

Cheers, and have a great week!

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