Lawsuit Imminent? Psaki Deflects After Kyle Rittenhouse Says Biden Defamed His Character

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Lawsuit Imminent? Psaki Deflects After Kyle Rittenhouse Says Biden Defamed His Character

White House press secretary Jen Psaki issued a carefully worded answer on Tuesday after Fox News‘ Peter Doocy asked if President Biden would “ever apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse for calling him a white supremacist.”

Psaki deflected, saying “let’s be clear what we are talking about here. This is about a campaign video, released last year, that used President Trump’s own words, during a debate, as he refused to condemn white supremacists and militia groups.”

So Biden called Rittenhouse a white supremacist because of Trump? That’s a new one. Let’s review the defamatory campaign ad:

Now watch Psaki spin in circles trying to explain why Biden doesn’t need to apologize.

Doocy’s questioning follows comments Rittenhouse made during a Monday night appearance on Fox News‘ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where he used oddly specific legal language to describe his side of what happened.

“Mr President, if I can say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement,” said Rittenhouse. “It is an actual malice and defaming my character for him to say something like that.


Rittenhouse also told Carlson that he thought the jury reached the right decision.

“I thought they came to the right verdict. It was not Kyle Rittenhouse on trial in Wisconsin, it was the right to self- defense on trial.”

The only question now is whether Rittenhouse is going to sue the MSM or the Biden campaign first?

Tyler Durden
Tue, 11/23/2021 – 20:40

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