Steven Crowder is suspended from YouTube live-streaming until the end of the year

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In a recent episode of Blaze TV’s “Louder with Crowder,” the host, Steven Crowder, claimed his channel had been suspended from YouTube again. The political commentator has been censored by YouTube several times.

Talking to co-host Gerald, Crowder said: “Alright, so last night YouTube sent us the second channel strike.”

He hinted that it was a two week suspension: “So this is going to prevent us from streaming on YouTube for the rest of the year.”

Crowder said that YouTube did not specify why the channel was suspended.

He added: “And, you know, it’s one of those things where we could say, we could guess, but it’s just so – I mean, take your pick.”

The post Steven Crowder is suspended from YouTube live-streaming until the end of the year appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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