Court in German region of Lower Saxony rules against vaccine passports

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The Lower Saxony High Administrative Court overturned the implementation of Covid restrictions, dubbed 2G rule, in the retail sector. Retailers all over Germany have brought lawsuits opposing the 2G rule.

The 2G rule highly restricts those without a Covid passport, who are now not allowed into many shops, restaurants, and cultural events.

On Thursday a court in Lower Saxony halted the implementation of the rules affecting retail. The court argued that the restrictions were discriminatory.

“The judgment in Lower Saxony makes it clear that the 2G regulation is not a legal sure-fire successor for large parts of the retail sector,” said HDE (German Trade Association) managing director Stefan Genth of the German press agency.

Genth hopes that other federal states where the 2G rule has been challenged will take Lower Saxony’s lead.

“The other state governments should now also take this into account, avoid unjustified burdens on the retail trade and not wait until their ordinances are collected again by the courts,” he said in a statement.

Since the 2G rule was imposed in the retail sector earlier this month, retailers have complained about a sharp drop in sales and the bad timing of the restrictions during Christmas.

Only those with a passport have been allowed in many shops, including fashion and electronics.

The post Court in German region of Lower Saxony rules against vaccine passports appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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