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Media pivots back to Covid – prelude to a Ukraine false flag?

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Over the past month, the mainstream media has focused on the Russian military intervention in Ukraine which launched in response to the eight year long war on the breakaway pro-Russian Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Numerous attempts had been made by Moscow to resolve the situation peacefully – specifically, calls for Kiev to implement its side of the Minsk Agreements giving the breakaway republics some autonomy while remaining under Ukrainian rule- but these attempts had all been rebuffed by Kiev and Washington.

In the past week however, the media focus has noticeably switched back to COVID-19, specifically the new ‘BA.2 variant’, with reports of the positive tests of high-profile figures such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jen Psaki and Doug Emhoff, husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris. Media attention not seen since multiple countries worldwide simultaneously dropped all restrictions at the end of January, during the highly coincidental timing of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda virtual event, suddenly refocused on Covid.

This sudden coordinated pivot back to the Covid mainstream media narrative raises many questions, and with the recent confirmation by current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland – herself instrumental in the original Euromaidan regime change operation – that US-funded labs in Ukraine were developing bioweapons, as well as allegations by the White House that Russia is planning to use chemical weapons, there is indication that the sudden media switch to Covid may be used as a means to clear the stage for a deadly escalation in Ukraine; specifically a false flag chemical attack, blamed on Russia by the West, and used as a pretext for NATO to launch a ‘No Fly Zone’ over Ukraine.

Indeed, the staging of a false flag chemical attack as a means to encourage a US-led military intervention is a tactic with very recent usage by Washington’s Neocons.

In 2017, the Syrian Arab Republic had been in the grip of a six-year long regime change operation launched in response to President Bashar al-Assad’s refusal to allow Western-allied Qatar to build a pipeline through his country.

Unlike Libya however, itself subjected to a similar regime change operation at the same time, Syria had been successfully able to withstand the similar Western-backed onslaught launched against its territory, thanks in part to interventions by its allies Iran and Russia, which would lead to the regime-change lobby taking reckless measures.

On the 4th of April 2017, a false flag chemical attack would be launched in the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun, resulting in the then-US administration of Donald Trump launching a cruise missile strike against a Syrian government airbase in response, the first direct military engagement between the West and Damascus since the regime change operation began, though one that just stopped short of the full-scale military intervention that the Neocons had hoped for.

Undeterred, a similar false flag attack would be launched almost a year to the day later in the city of Douma, this time resulting in the US, Britain and France launching air strikes against Syrian government targets, though again stopping short of a Libya-style ‘No Fly Zone’.

Now with the near inevitability that the stage is being set for the same script to be played out in Ukraine – possibly around the end of May when the World Economic Forum is due to hold its’ first in-person summit in two years – the world must prepare itself for the possible consequences, as even a ‘limited’ strike against Russian military infrastructure, similar to what happened in Syria, would result in the gravest consequence of all – World War III.

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