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Louisiana introduces bill to ban porn on students’ computers

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Louisiana state Sen. Beth Mizell has introduced a bill that would ban access to pornographic content on networks owned by public universities.

The bill “prohibits internet access to online sites that contain material which is reasonably believed to be sexually explicit, pornographic, or sexually harassing.” Mizell said such content should be banned because it is “reasonably believed to create a hostile work environment as prohibited by federal law.”

We obtained a copy of the bill for you here.

The bill not only applies to networks owned by public universities but also to computers “owned or leased by each board, system office, and institution under its supervision.”

The bill allows exemptions through written requests for “legitimate scientific, educational, or law enforcement purposes.” Such requests would be time-limited and would be reviewed periodically.

A rights group is opposing the legislation.

“There are certainly some First Amendment issues, but we will stand with the people wherever the people end up on this,” Ashley Shelton, the CEO of the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice told the Louisiana Illuminator. “How are these things defined? Would Victoria’s Secret website be considered sexually explicit?”

Senate Bill 131 is currently awaiting the approval of the Education Committee.

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