Bill Maher: The Left-Wing Media “Buried” Hunter Biden Story Because It “Wasn’t Part Of Their Narrative”

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Bill Maher: The Left-Wing Media “Buried” Hunter Biden Story Because It “Wasn’t Part Of Their Narrative”

The mainstream media’s decision to admit – more than a year after the fact – that the Hunter Biden laptop story was, in fact, legitimate (and not the product of ‘Russian disinformation, as a procession of high-ranking Democrat spies insisted at the time) has once again shaken the public’s trust in the media, and prompting accusations of ‘election interference’ and even inspiring a House inquiry into collusion to bury the story involving Big Tech and the MSM on behalf of Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Joe Rogan perhaps put it best when he speculated that there was “some f**kery afoot” when he slammed the media coverage of the laptop as “crazy”. Just this past week, WaPo, CNN and the NYT have gone “scorched earth” over the laptop story now that it’s become clear that the son of the president is potentially heading toward an indictment in a major tax fraud case.

But when it comes to the cover-up that may have swayed the outcome of the 2020 election, nobody has been held accountable.

Which is all the more reason for HBO host Bill Maher, the liberal maverick who has never been afraid to break with leftist orthodoxy, to go all-in. During Friday night’s show, he accused the “left-wing media” of burying the story because it didn’t fit with their “orthodoxy”.

“It looks like the left-wing media just buried the story because it wasn’t part of their narrative and that’s why people don’t trust the media,” Maher said.

He elaborated, calling Hunter Biden a “ne’er-do-well” who was taking money from well-connected foreigners solely because “he was the president’s son”.

“I remember reading about this a couple of years ago, the New York Post came across… Hunter Biden’s computer, which he apparently left at a computer repair store. I didn’t even know they existed. And if anyone should not leave his computer with other people, it would be Hunter Biden just for the personal stuff,” Maher said. “But it also had stuff about how, you know, c’mon, he’s a ne’er-do-well. I’m sorry, Hunter Biden, but you are… You made a living being ne’er-do-well who was taking money just because you were the vice president’s son and you had influence.”

“He got, I think $4.8, yes, million from Chinese energy companies to sit on the board and consult. Yeah, that was his passion in life,” Maher quipped. His exploration, hooker exploration, was his passion.”

Even more galling than the media blackout is the fact that Twitter froze the account of the New York Post in retaliation for its reporting.

“So the New York Post got a hold of what was in the computer. And, you know, because the New York Post is a Republican paper, and The New York Times and The Washington Post are the Democratic paper[s]…And the Republican paper, Twitter…canceled their account! They can’t even report on this story. And now two years later, The New York Times and The Washington Post have come around and say, ‘Okay, there was something there.'”

And while Maher acknowledged that reporters had reason to take the initial leak with “a giant grain of salt” given its provenance (it was leaked to the NYPost via Rudy Giuliani and the Trump camp), that should not have been an excuse to dismiss the story in its entirety.

The result is that the world of the American media has, in Maher’s telling, reverted to the model from the 19th century, when there were Republican papers and Democrat papers (and Whig papers), and the echo chamber model has become so pervasive that nobody stops to question it.

We look forward to watching the left once again try to cancel Maher for speaking truth to power.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 04/03/2022 – 16:25

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