New South Wales plots Digital ID to access services

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The government of Australia’s New South Wales plans to test a whole-of-government digital ID program, which will allow residents to access services across all departments. The pilot project is part of the Service NSW app and will require face verifications as well as biometric liveness testing.

The government is currently looking for photo verification vendors and it is unclear when the pilot project will launch.

To use the digital ID, a user will take a selfie, which will then be compared to photos the government has already collected for official documents such as driver’s licenses.

According to local reports, the biometric data will eventually be used to access government services that require level three proofing. For services requiring proofing above level three, people will still be required to go to government offices.

The point of the digital ID system is to provide residents with quality and effective services, and to make them “believe the NSW Government is easy to deal with.”

The pilot program will be optional, and it will require participants to give their consent regularly.

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