Americans have no difficulty identifying and confronting evil when it is found in foreign regimes. A good example is Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine. Most every American is easily able to identify the evil of that invasion and is more than willing to confront and oppose it.
But as I point out in my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, one of the big challenges we face here in America is the inability of all too many Americans to identify evil within their own government as well as an unwillingness to confront and oppose such evil when they do identify it.
On November 22, 1963, Abraham Zapruder, the Dallas businessman who filmed the assassination of President Kennedy, had a personal encounter with evil. While able to identify the evil, he was unwilling to confront and oppose it. My new book is about how Zapruder’s chance encounter with evil — and the choice he made not to confront and oppose it — ended up destroying the rest of his life.
But my new book is about much more than that. With the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, America has not been this close to the possibility of nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
An Encounter with Evil shows how a deeper understanding of the Kennedy assassination can lead us out of the highly dangerous foreign-policy morass into which our nation has been plunged.
I am very pleased that so far An Encounter with Evil has received seven 5-star reviews on Amazon. Here are some excerpts:
- “Hornberger takes a fascinating look at a mysterious secret buried within the Zapruder family for half a century.”
- “The author makes it clear that what happened in 1963 is extremely relevant to what has been happening ever since.”
- “This is one of the two best books I have read on the Kennedy assassination, the other being JFK and the Unspeakable.”
- “Amazing, absolutely amazing. Incredible research.”
- “Jacob Hornberger has written an excellent book!”
- “Great organization of thought.”
- “This book will go down as one of the best in my collection.”
I know I am biased, but I consider An Encounter with Evil to be the best work I have done in the 32-year history of The Future of Freedom Foundation.
If you’re like me, you have a mountain of unread books. But I hope you will buy my book and put it at the top of your stack because it is more urgent than ever that we get our nation back on the right road — toward liberty, peace, prosperity, and harmony with the people of the world. That’s the main purpose of my new book.
An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story. Buy it now at Amazon for $9.95 Kindle version, $14.95 print version. If you find my new book valuable, please recommend it to others. Also, please don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon.
The post Confronting Evil Here at Home appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.
The Future of Freedom Foundation was founded in 1989 by FFF president Jacob Hornberger with the aim of establishing an educational foundation that would advance an uncompromising case for libertarianism in the context of both foreign and domestic policy. The mission of The Future of Freedom Foundation is to advance freedom by providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and limited government. Visit https://www.fff.org