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FF 330 – Interview with Jerry Sandusky Fake Accuser A.J. Dillen

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A.J. Dillen was in Jerry Sandusky’s Second Mile organization growing up. When Jerry was charged and Penn State engulfed in scandal, nothing made sense to him about any of it. Then Jerry was convicted and PSU started handing out millions to any accuser with a pulse. It was at that point that A.J. decided to take matters into his own hands.

Learn more about the case by listening to With the Benefit of Hindsight, a podcast hosted by John Ziegler.

Or listen to previous episodes of this podcast where we dig into this scandal.

FF 008 | Is Jerry Sandusky Innocent with John Ziegler

FF 014 | Could Jerry Sandusky be Innocent? A 2nd Interview with John Ziegler

FF 031 | John Ziegler Releases Emails Shedding New Light on Sandusky Penn State Scandal

FF 120 | John Ziegler | Newsweek Story was Primed to Destroy Media Narrative in the Sandusky Case

FF 279 | With the Benefit of Hindsight – John Ziegler Takes Down the Sandusky and Paterno Scandal

Listen to the best interviews from the Felony Friday and Finding Freedom archive, published every Tuesday in John’s Finding Freedom Show solo feed. Listen and Subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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