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Russia comments on alleged shopping mall strike

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An airstrike on the Kremenchug ammo stockpile in Ukraine caused a fire at a closed trade center nearby, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims

The Russian military has confirmed an airstrike on the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug on Monday, but claimed it targeted a stockpile of Western weapons. The detonation caused damage to a nearby non-functioning shopping mall, Tuesday’s report said. Kiev had claimed that Russia attacked the mall, killing and injuring many civilians.

The Defense Ministry said the location was near the Kredmash factory. The military claimed that the Western munitions detonated and caused a fire at a shopping center, which was no longer operating.

Ukrainian officials claim that the mall was packed with people at the moment Russia allegedly attacked it. According to the latest casualty report, 18 people were killed and 59 injured in the incident, with 25 of the wounded taken to the hospital for treatment.

READ MORE: Zelensky claims Russian missiles hit Ukrainian shopping mall


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