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Snyder: “The California Dream” Has Become “The California Cesspool”

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Snyder: “The California Dream” Has Become “The California Cesspool”

Authored by Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com,

Once upon a time, California was the hottest destination in the entire country.  Millions of young people poured into California in search of a new life, and today it has the largest population of any U.S. state by a very wide margin.  But now “the California Dream” has become “the California Cesspool”, and residents are moving to other states on a permanent basis in very large numbers In fact, at this point a lot of California residents are even choosing to move to Mexico in order to escape the state.  Decades of really bad decisions have turned the Golden State into an endless nightmare, and there appears to be no hope on the horizon.

Just look at what has happened to San Francisco.  It is one of the wealthiest cities on the entire planet, but everywhere you look there is squalor.

In recent days, a video that a Twitter user named Ricci Wynne posted of children walking home through “one of the city’s open-air drug dens” has already been watched more than two million times…

San Francisco children were recorded on video having to walk past what appeared to be one of the city’s open-air drug dens on their way home from school.

Ricci Wynne posted the video on Twitter last week, writing that the students were getting off the 14 transit line on 8th and Mission Streets when they encountered what appeared to be the homeless encampment sprawled across the sidewalk.

San Francisco doesn’t have just one open air drug market.

They can now be found in multiple locations around the city, and the authorities don’t seem interested in cleaning them up.

So for the children in Wynne’s video, wading through hordes of zombified drug addicts on the way home has just become a part of normal life.

Of course it could be argued that things are even worse down in Los Angeles.

The following is what one reporter encountered during a harrowing visit to Skid Row

Walking down San Pedro Street to the heart of Skid Row, I see men smoking methamphetamine in the open air and women selling bootleg cigarettes on top of cardboard boxes. Around the corner, a man makes a drug transaction from the window of a silver sedan, a woman in an American-flag bandana flashes her vagina to onlookers, and a shirtless man in a bleached-blond woman’s wig defecates behind a parked police car. Slumped across the entryway of an old garment business, a shoeless, middle-aged junkie injects heroin into his cracked, bare feet.

The police could easily clear Skid Row at any time.

But the politicians won’t let them.

And despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars to fight drug addiction and homelessness, the problem just keeps getting even worse year after year…

The scale of the crisis is astonishing: 40,000 homeless men and women in Los Angeles County suffer from addiction, mental illness, or both. More than 1,000 will die on the streets this year. As I survey the human wreckage along Skid Row, my fear is that the city government is creating a new class of “untouchables,” permanently disconnected from the institutions of society. For the past decade, political leaders have relied on two major policies to address the crisis—“harm reduction” and “housing first”—but despite $619 million in spending in 2018, more people are on the streets than ever. The reality is that Los Angeles has adopted a policy of containment: construct enough “supportive housing” to placate the appetites of the social-services bureaucracy, distribute enough needles to prevent an outbreak of plague, and herd enough men and women into places like Skid Row, where they will not disrupt the political fiction that everything is okay.

This is what life is like in big cities all over the west coast now.

Needless to say, this sort of environment is going to be a breeding ground for crime, and so far this year robbery is up 21 percent in Los Angeles…

Robbery is up an astounding 21% from ytd 2021 in Los Angeles according to lapdonline.org. Moreover, burglary, a non-violent property crime without the use of weapons, is up 16.2% from ytd 2021 according to lapdonline.org. Unfortunately, businesses and the citizens of the city are at an impasse on how to stem the rising robbery rate.

The murder rate continues to surge higher as well.  During the first half of 2022, the murder rate in the city was 35 percent higher than it was during the first half of 2020…

Halfway through the year, murders in Los Angeles are surging on a wave of gun violence, following last year’s spike in crime.

The city saw 172 homicides through June 18, a 5.5% increase from the same period last year, and a 35% jump from the first half of 2020, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. Four more murders were registered in the past week, Los Angeles Police Department police chief Michel Moore at the commissioners’ meeting Tuesday.

The politicians in California wanted to create their version of a “liberal utopia” in the state.

Now they have it.

Meanwhile, scientists continue to warn us that the clock is ticking.  The entire west coast of the United States sits along “the Ring of Fire”, and a simulation that was just conducted came to the conclusion that a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Seattle Fault could potentially produce a giant tsunami that could be over 40 feet tall

A simulation released by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shows the impact of a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on the Seattle Fault.

“Tsunami waves could be as high as 42 feet at the Seattle Great Wheel and will reach inland as far as Lumen Field and T-Mobile Park,” Washington State DNR said in a tweet Thursday.

To put that in perspective, the tsunami that hit Fukushima, Japan many years ago was only about 45 feet tall at the peak.

And if such an event does occur, residents of Seattle would have “fewer than 3 minutes” to react…

Scientists found that if a magnitude 7.5 earthquake were to occur on the Seattle Fault, tsunami waves over 40 feet tall could reach the Seattle area in fewer than 3 minutes.

We are being told that such an event will happen someday.

It is just a matter of time.

Personally, I have been warning for years about the potential for a colossal tsunami along the California coastline.

The entire west coast is extremely vulnerable, but most people that live there don’t like to think about such things.

Instead, most people that live there are just going to keep doing what they are doing, and then one day everything will suddenly change in a single moment.

*  *  *

It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/15/2022 – 19:00

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