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Big Pharma Wants To Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

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As noted by NPA president and CEO, Daniel Fabricant:20

“The war is far from over. We need America’s health and wellness advocates to continue writing their members of Congress through the NPA Action Center. Grassroots involvement over the coming weeks is absolutely critical to defeating this radical and dangerous proposal.”

I join Fabricant in urging you to contact your senators and urge them to oppose the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022, and its inclusion in the FDA Safety Landmark Advancements Act. A list of contact numbers can be found here. On that same page, the NPA also has a sample script with key talking points.

If you take supplements and you want to continue the freedom to take them in the future, it is VITAL that if you live in the U.S. that you let you representatives know. Not only would I email them in the link below (be sure to customize it and change it) but I would also call your representatives! It worked previously and will work now, but you need to be involved.

Alternatively, you can take action by sending an email. The Alliance for Natural Health makes it easy on Phone calls are more effective, but if for some reason you don’t want to call, Alliance for Natural Health has created a prewritten email that will be automatically sent to the U.S. president, senators and representatives.

Sources and References

The post Big Pharma Wants To Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements appeared first on LewRockwell.

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