The Fall of the New World Order? with Marcel Gautreau

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On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Tho Bishop is joined by Mises Research Fellow Marcel Gautreau for a wide-ranging conversation about challenges to the American-dominated neoliberal order. Marcel is a Ph.D. candidate studying economic and other policy reforms in non-liberal states and offers his perspective on how Rothbardian power-elite analysis is a powerful tool in understanding the world’s most pressing issues today. He also shares his favorite Mises U lecture.

Additional Resources

“Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature” by Murray Rothbard:

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray Rothbard:

Never a Dull Moment: A Libertarian Look at the Sixties by Murray Rothbard:

“A Rothbardian Analysis of the Constitutional Convention” by Patrick Newman:

Marcel Gautreau on Twitter: @anarchyinblack 

Watch Mises University 2022 live:

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