British politicians warned against visiting Taiwan

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UK politicians will face “severe consequences” if they follow Nancy Pelosi’s example of “playing with fire,” China’s envoy warns

British politicians should avoid following the US example by “playing with fire” when it comes to the Taiwan issue, the Chinese ambassador to London said during a press conference on Tuesday

Zheng Zeguang said such actions “will inevitably lead to severe consequences for China-UK relations. The UK side knows this all too well,” and that British officials should refrain from talking about “helping Taiwan defend itself,” or visiting the island.

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The diplomat stressed that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei “seriously infringed on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and seriously undermined peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

The envoy also urged British politicians not to engage in “anti-China rhetoric” which, he described as “unfounded, very destructive and poisonous.”

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