Pelosi’s Taiwan visit created ‘flashpoint out of thin air’ – Lavrov

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Russia’s foreign minister suggests the senior US official may have been trying to prove she can get away with anything

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has condemned US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, branding it a display of American disregard for international norms.

“It was the drive to prove to everyone their impunity and to act accordingly. ‘I do whatever I want’, something like that,” the minister told journalists on Wednesday. “I can hardly imagine any other reason to create a flashpoint out of thin air, despite knowing what it would mean for China.”

Pelosi arrived on the self-governed Chinese island on Tuesday and met its leader Tsai Ing-wen, despite repeated warnings from Beijing to stay away. The third highest-ranking US official praised Taiwan as a fellow “democracy” and pledged American support for it against “autocratic” China.

Washington formally acknowledges that Taiwan is part of China, but maintains a close informal relationship with its administration despite switching diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979.

The Chinese government has repeatedly said that trips by US officials encourage separatist forces on the island and thus violate China’s territorial integrity.

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