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Communication platform Front deplatforms The Babylon Bee

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The Babylon Bee, a political satire website, announced that its internal email service provider withdrew its services without explanation.

The website speculated that it was suspended because of its political slant.

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon explained that they received an email from Front, the company that managed “all inbound and outbound email” for the team, stating that they had terminated Babylon Bee’s account.

Shortly after receiving the email, the Babylon Bee staff could not send emails.

Front did not explain its decision, the Bee reported.

“It probably comes as no surprise that Front is run by a group of woke, left-wing tech elitists. Just like Twitter, Facebook, The New York Times, Snopes, and the many other companies that have attacked us, they simply can’t abide by satire that dares to mock their left-wing orthodoxy,” Dillon said.

“So they orchestrated their attack to do the most damage they possibly could.”

The Babylon Bee is no stranger to censorship. Its Twitter account was suspended a few months ago.

The post Communication platform Front deplatforms The Babylon Bee appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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