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Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next

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Many of you are aware the Mercola website disappeared early Friday morning, September 23, 2022. This outage wasn’t scheduled, but we have been planning and preparing for the possibility that hackers might succeed in their attempts to take us down for some time now.

The past few years have brought many challenges. Attacks have been ongoing for the past six years, but have really concentrated over the last two. Media, U.S. senators, attorneys general, federal agencies and Big Tech have all been used by the global cabal to illegally shut down our right to free speech.

In April 2021, two state attorneys general threatened social media companies with legal ramifications if they didn’t censor me, and in July that year President Biden himself demanded I be banned from all social media.

If you’re still using Gmail, I urge you to reconsider, as Google is not only harvesting every word from every email you send and receive, they’re also censoring your inbox.

While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts to receive our daily newsletter, the delivery rate for Gmail is HALF of other email providers, such as ProtonMail. I am certain that at some point in the not too distant future they will stop delivering ANY of our emails to Gmail accounts.

So, please understand if you are one of the 50% who are receiving our newsletter by email the time is NOW to opt out of Gmail as your primary email client. You can keep it for things that don’t matter or are irrelevant, but with anything that counts, like the vital information you receive in our newsletter, the time has come to opt out of Gmail.

It is just another clever censoring strategy they have at their disposal. So, if you’re using Gmail to receive our newsletter, please change it immediately. If you’re a subscriber, I strongly urge you to sign up to my Substack with another email account — and cancel your Gmail altogether.

ProtonMail is an excellent alternative. It provides end-to-end encryption to protect your content and other user data. Proton also provides an encrypted calendar, encrypted cloud storage and free VPN. Once Mercola.com is back online, then re-subscribe with your ProtonMail.

The Global Cabal Overplayed Their Hand

While the global cabal probably viewed the COVID pandemic as the ace up their sleeve — the event that would allow them to usher in The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., transhumanism and a post-human world) without too much trouble — it didn’t work out quite as they planned.

The authoritarian tactics have instead resulted in a worldwide awakening. More people than ever are now starting to realize that the world doesn’t operate the way we thought it did. Everything is rigged. There’s been an agenda at play for decades, and many of the things we embraced for their convenience and usefulness are now turning out to be clever traps to enslave and impoverish us against our will.

People are starting to realize that social engineering has been at work for a long time, and that data harvesting is not an innocent business venture. They’re starting to see just how the prison has been built up around us. It’s not completed yet, but the global cabal is closer than ever to their goal of controlling the global population. This is why we cannot give up or give in, no matter how many times they try to knock us down.

‘The Greater Good’ Hides a Great Evil

The fact that this cabal doesn’t have the safety and well-being of mankind as their primary motivation is now clearly self-evident. In recent months, more and more evidence has emerged allowing us to put the puzzle pieces of the COVID pandemic and its ultimate purpose together, and it’s not a pretty picture.

Between the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, the COVID shot bioweapon, the intentional lack of early treatment and the mistreatment in hospitals, the lockdowns, mask mandates and isolation requirements, and the subsequent mental health problems, loss of work and education, lack of medical care, suicides and drug overdoses, the decision makers in this COVID “war game” have injured and killed more people than any previous genocide in human history.

We’re literally living through the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever seen, and bioweapons research is an important factor that allowed for all of this to happen.

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the result of a lab leak, and that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Harvard researchers, China, the mainstream media, the World Health Organization and tech companies all worked together to cover it up. U.S. Right to Know recently published a detailed timeline of this cover-up.5

The Soul and Freedom of Humanity Is at Stake

I’ve repeatedly discussed the end goal of the global cabal, from various angles. While their strategies are manifold and complex, the end goal is rather simple. They intend to create a two-tiered society of have’s and have not’s. The top-tier will be augmented transhumanists who will control the world’s resources — and that includes the rest of us.

To them, you and I are not only ignorant and contemptible but a resource to be used and disposed of at will, and they don’t want a disposable resource to use up more valuable resources such as land, property, food, water and energy. The Green Agenda is all about restricting our ability to access resources and live free.

They intend to seize complete control over the world and implement tyrannical global slavery, and to do that, they have to silence any and all opposition. I’m just one of many. So far, they’ve not succeeded in silencing me, and many others are also not giving up but, rather, adapting and inventing new ways to communicate truth and share information.

No matter what they throw at us, we simply must stay the course and refuse to give up or resign ourselves to their slave system. Information is power, and no matter how small your reach, never stop sharing information, and never give in to their intimidation tactics. The future of humanity is at stake.

I am committed to continue to empower you with the truth about health and the global cabal’s threats to your health and liberty. But the only way I can do that is if you continue to receive our daily emails, so please be sure the email client you are using is not Gmail as there is a high likelihood you will not receive them in the future due to their censorship strategies.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.


Spiked September 23, 2022


The Times September 23, 2022


Summit News September 26, 2022


The Times September 26, 2022


USRTK September 14, 2022

The post Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next appeared first on LewRockwell.

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