Rumble begins testing limited inventory of video ads

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is on the path to allowing creators to monetize content and to allow more businesses to advertise on the platform – allowing it to become even more competitive to Big Tech. This week, Rumble announced beta testing of limited inventory of video ads.

Rumble recently announced that it had launched the beta version of an ad platform, Rumble Ads, which will be available to verified businesses.

The beta version of Rumble Ads will allow advertisers access to part of Rumble’s traffic, create ad campaigns, view analytics, and more. On launch, only display ads were available.

Starting this quarter, the beta version is available to select publishers. Those interested in the ads platform or becoming publishers can apply at

“Launching the beta version of Rumble Ads is a major milestone for our company, and even more importantly, for the entire internet,” said CEO Chris Pavlovski. “I’ve been in this space for more than twenty years, and the choice as a Publisher or Advertiser has always been limited. I’ve always wanted to see competition to Google AdSense and Ad Exchange, making today an important first step.”

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