Comedian JP Sears embraces alternative tech platform Locals to launch exclusive new special

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Comedian JP Sears will host his comedy special “Please Censor This!” exclusively on , an alternative tech platform that allows creators to share content and make money by building a subscription-based community.

On , Sears had over 2.7 million subscribers and is using Locals to avoid censorship. Sears is part of the growing idea of named talent embracing Big Tech alternatives.

“I’m thrilled to be releasing the most exciting content of my career — Please Censor This! Created for freedom lovers, this stand-up special is fully uncensored and something I’ve put my heart and soul into developing. I’ll be honest, bringing it to the light of day with Big Tech wasn’t easy, but thanks to a freedom-loving platform called Locals, I found a home for my work and for my audience to have a community. I consider this release and the Freedom Lovers community on Locals to be a big win for free speech and the freedom movement!” the comedian said.

The comedy special will be released on Content+, an on-demand feature on Locals. Aside from allowing creators to build a subscription-based community, Locals also gives them total control of their content.

Locals’ Content+ feature.

“We are excited to host JP’s special on Locals and proud to serve as the technology platform where JP can maintain his independence.” Said Assaf Lev, Locals CEO.

“Locals gives creators the tools to build their digital home. Connect with their core audience, grow a subscription business and sell high value content. Creators can build a community they own and focus on what they do best. Content.”

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