Ukraine Asks NATO For Leftover Afghanistan Funds

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Ukraine Asks NATO For Leftover Afghanistan Funds

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

NATO is considering using a $3.4 billion fund that was meant to support the now-defunct US-backed Afghan government to provide more aid for Ukraine, Politico reported this week.

Known as the Afghan National Army Trust Fund, the money was donated by individual NATO countries. The report said that Kyiv has asked NATO to consider using the money to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.

An Mi-17 helicopter bought for the Afghan Air Force but later transferred to Ukraine, via The Drive.

The US is not a contributor to the Afghan fund but has previously provided Ukraine with military equipment that was meant for the old Afghan government. Earlier this year, the US sent Kyiv 16 Russian-made Mi-17 helicopters that it originally procured for Afghanistan.

Western officials told Politico that NATO allies have discussed using the Afghan funds for Ukraine and are leaning toward doing so, although the decision is up to each individual country.

The funds are currently frozen, and NATO is either going to transfer the funds back to the donor countries or into a new fund for Ukraine.

If the money is used for Kyiv, it will likely go to the Ukraine Comprehensive Assistance Package, a fund NATO established in 2016 to give aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine is entirely reliant on aid from the West to fund its war effort and keep the government afloat. Besides the military support, Ukraine wants its Western backers to cover its massive $38 billion budget deficit for 2023.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 12/11/2022 – 07:00

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