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You’re Gonna Get Sick, Get Used To It

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You’re Gonna Get Sick, Get Used To It

Authored by Todd Hayen via,

Zero Covid, zero disease, zero suffering, zero death. Unrealistic goals? You bet – although many countries (particularly China) have seemingly adopted a “Zero Covid” stance and have made a rather destructive effort to eliminate any occurrence of Covid-19 from their citizenry – boarding people up in their apartments, attacking people trying to escape, all those fun things fascists like to do.

This effort to maintain a “Zero Covid” environment is yet another piece of the agenda intended to brainwash and thus control the populace. The powers that be know that, but most of the people they are controlling do not.

The people might think “Zero Covid” sounds like a good idea, but it is fantasy, and typically you can’t count too much on fantasy in a nitty-gritty real world.

Now, I’m not knocking fantasy. Sometimes it is just what we need to get through the day. But this isn’t our own personal fantasy, this is fantasy put upon us by an authority that has a nefarious agenda. It is a slight of hand card trick, it is an intentional deception—a deception premeditated to cause harm to some (most) and benefit others (a few).

What is the card trick regarding “Zero Covid?” Well, it is once again an effort to convince us that being human is a problem. Isn’t all that is going on in the world right now have the same intention?—the “Woke Culture,” the “Cancel Culture,” the “transgender/identity” issue? Need I list more examples?

It seems that whatever “power that be entity” that likes to dabble in human cognitive dissonance has been assigned the task of doing whatever possible to make humans confused, and thus dissatisfied, with their human-ness.

Should people born a certain biological (human) sex really be encouraged to mess with their humanness and alter it to “look like” a different sex? Sure, psychologically people can “feel” all sorts of “identities” and even act out on them, but why destroy the physical “human” part of ourselves as a result? Why be encouraged to insert microchips in our brains to make us smarter or more efficient than what nature intended us to be?

As a result of all of this fluidity to “alter” our nature, we become more and more comfortable with this idea that there is something wrong with how we came out of the box. We find our inability to live forever, or ward off all disease, or remove all physical danger from our lives, to be a defect—a manufacturer’s error. And then we go bonkers to compensate for our human problem.

I shouldn’t say we “become comfortable” with the idea of innate imperfection, because it is anything but comfortable, in fact, it is downright crazy making. Of course this doesn’t apply to all of us, but those that it does apply to are among us.

Where did this insane desire to alter our normal human “is-ness” come from? Well, we certainly have seen it from day one. Humans obviously have not evolved from their origin into creatures that integrate with the natural environment the way all other creatures have done. This is an age-old question, and nearly everything “human” has become part of that all-important question, from all the “good things” such as art, music, and other creativity from the heart, to all the bad things such as weaponry, pollution, and genetic engineering.

I find it difficult not to include any advancement in technology with the “bad things.” Any of the things we could say are “good” have only been effective in providing convenience, avoidance of hard work, and the extension of life, which are not necessarily noble accomplishments.

If hard pressed I would say hygiene, and the mitigation of suffering can definitely be included in the “good human advancements,” but advancements in hygiene, such as clean water, waste disposal, etc. is only needed after humans moved from a natural environment to a man-made one…any other suggestions?

Needless to say this argument can get complicated and dicey, possibly moving into the other argument, which suggests that we should never have moved out of caves—which obviously is not plausible nor necessarily desireable. Is there a way to be human without entering into the obsession to be “better than human?” Probably not, and possibly we have just reached the level of technology where becoming “better than human” moves us most definitely into a phase of transhuman ascendance.

But there is another element to factor in here—is our advancement a natural movement, or is it a coerced movement? Are we, as a whole, being manipulated into advancing too fast, or in a particular trajectory that will eventually destroy us? Maybe a little bit of both is at work here.

Obviously in cave days some overlord with the intention of destroying the masses with fire did not trigger the quest for fire—that desire more than likely came naturally. But can you say the same for the invention of the atomic bomb? Was it really for the good of mankind as a whole to destroy Imperial Japan, or was the incentive for creating such a horrific form of destruction have less humanitarian underpinnings?

We have reached a point in human development where it has been made clear that the development of the mRNA vaccine to treat another human engineered invention, the SARSCoV2 “virus,” does not have a humanitarian intention.

This all has clearly happened for the benefit of a few at the expense of many. And part of what has made this possible—the ease in implementation of these bioweapons in the complying bodies of those masses—is to convince people their “god given right” is to live forever and not face nature’s natural challenges.

If we follow the “rules of nature” and take care of ourselves naturally—eat healthy foods (which also is nearly impossible due to the pressures from above to do otherwise), exercise, fill the mind with less toxic thoughts, have meaning and purpose in our lives, didn’t pollute our environment, and never became possessed to consume everything in sight—then in my humble opinion very few diseases and “challenges of nature” would always be powerful enough to make us suffer intolerably, or to, as an end result, kill us—unless we have lived long enough or nature decided it was time to cull our species.

We all die. We all suffer. We seem to have mostly come to a conclusion that we can skirt the natural systems and rely on technology to erase all of life’s dangers and dispel with nature’s wisdom.

People have been brainwashed to believe that only man-made medication and medical intervention can cure us. Most people give no credit to the human immune system and its miraculous ability to confront nearly any pathogen and give it a run for its money. Of course part of the agenda is to create an environment so toxic and contrary to the natural way of things that we are indeed faced with more formidable pathogens for our immune systems to deal with. Again, it is a complicated issue.

But the Covid hoax, to be successful, had to be released on people who believed a limited belief: humans are not capable of withstanding a natural phenomenon (a virus). This is what the people were told, which was always an illusion, yet still created as a fantasy bogeyman, and that the only way to face it and dispel it was to rely on man-made preventions (masks, social distancing and lockdowns) and cures (bogus vaccines).

Couple this with our insane insistence that we continue moving toward transhumanism (which at this time is still primarily a fantasy) and are above pain, suffering, illness, and particularly death, and you have the formula for madness.

If we are human, and not machines, or dependent on the assistance of machines (nano or macro), then we are going to get sick. Plain and simple. It is nature’s way of doing things and has been since humans crawled out of the primordial muck. Get used to it.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 12/14/2022 – 05:00

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