How Comedy, Laughter, and Humor Can Improve Your Life

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According to the founding editor of The Onion, there are 11 categories of comedy:

  1. Irony–  Intended meaning is opposite of literal meaning
  2. Character– Comedic character acting on personality traits
  3. Reference– Common experiences that audiences can relate to
  4. Shock– Surprising jokes typically involving sex, drugs, gross-out humor, swearing
  5. Parody– Mimic a familiar character, trope or cliché in an unfamiliar way
  6. Hyperbole– Exaggeration to absurd extremes
  7. Wordplay– Puns, rhymes, double entendres, etc.
  8. Analogy– Comparing two disparate things
  9. Madcap– Crazy, wacky, silly, nonsensical 
  10. Meta Humor– Jokes about jokes, or about the idea of comedy
  11. Misplaced Focus– Attention is focused on the wrong thing

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