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Digital ID scanning is now mandatory to purchase tobacco products in Nevada

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verification is now mandatory for tobacco purchases in the state of Nevada.

The state passed bill AB 360, which came into effect on January 1, that requires all retailers selling tobacco and vape products to verify the age of buyers. The law applies to vape shops, liquor stores, grocery stores, casinos, bars, and even ecommerce stores that sell tobacco or vape products and to customers under the age of 40.

We obtained a copy of the bill for you here.

Locations selling tobacco or vape products are required to use “scanning technology, or other automated, software-based system, to verify that the person is at least 18 years of age.”

These locations are required to scan an identity document of anyone who looks to be under the age of 40. Non-compliance results in a civil fine of $100.

AB 360 was modeled around state legislation that requires age verification for cannabis sales.

Establishments have several options, including upgrading existing point-of-sale systems to scan IDs. However, the state does not have laws governing how businesses scan IDs or the information they are allowed to retain.

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