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EU’s Aid For Ukraine Is Effectively Public Aid For Itself

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EU’s Aid For Ukraine Is Effectively Public Aid For Itself

Authored by Tomasz Teluk via ReMix,

Source: Twitter@DenesTorteli.

Let there be light! President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has announced that the EU is to deliver 35 million energy-saving LED light bulbs to Ukraine worth €50 million. They will be made available free of charge at post offices across the country.

She said that Ukraine should be an inspiration to Europe, with thousands of Ukrainians changing to LED bulbs to work towards cleaner energy.

“They are energy-saving, very good,” she says in footage shot during the visit.

The EU once again shows it thinks climate change is more important than anything else. The light bulbs are an even more surreal gift than the 5,000 helmets the Germans gave at the start of the war. 

One of the most important questions is how Ukraine will use the bulbs when it’s suffering power outages as a result of the war?

Finally, we should not have the wool pulled over our eyes. If the EU bought these bulbs from the largest European producers, which come from Germany, the Netherlands, and France, this is nothing more than a way of giving public aid to these companies.

Once again, Germany shows its transactional face. 

Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/10/2023 – 02:00

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