French Poll Finds Le Pen Now More Popular Than Macron

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French Poll Finds Le Pen Now More Popular Than Macron

A year after Emmanuel Macron won a second term as president of France, triumphing over Marine Le Pen, his far-right challenger, it appears things are not going according to plan for the diminutive French leader.

In 2017, Macron beat Le Pen 66.1% vs 33.9%

In 2022 (last April), Macron triumphed by a narrower margin (58.6% vs 41.5%)

And now, according to an Ifop poll for Paris Match published on Wednesday, when asked which of the two politicians they prefer, 47% of those interviewed picked Le Pen, while 42% chose Macron.

Le Pen was more popular among women, with 52% picking the two-time presidential runner-up, compared with 41% opting for the French leader.

Within the left-wing Nupes grouping, a majority of supporters of the Communist and France Unbowed parties prefer Le Pen, while backers of the Greens and Socialists favor Macron.

Since a series of nationwide strikes and protests against Macron’s plan to raise the minimum retirement age began in mid-January, Le Pen has adopted a discreet stance and fell short of urging her supporters to join the movement, saying they were free to make their own choice.

More than two-thirds of the French polled ‘disapprove’ of Macron…


In a separate poll of 1,002 adults on March 28-29 by Ifop for Paris Match, 58% said Le Pen understands their concerns and 57% that she’s attached to democratic values, while 52% consider her to be competent and 51% capable of reforming the country.

She has the stature of a president, according to 47% of those surveyed.

The next presidential election is in 2027, when Macron won’t be able to run because of term limits.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 04/21/2023 – 02:45

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