“We Have Reached Our Limit”: NYC Suspends Shelter Rules Ahead Of Title 42 Expiration

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“We Have Reached Our Limit”: NYC Suspends Shelter Rules Ahead Of Title 42 Expiration

The Biden administration is expected to repeal Title 42, a policy from the Trump era that makes it easier to reject migrants at the US-Mexico border. This change, expected to take effect at midnight on Thursday, could potentially lead to a massive influx of undocumented immigrants flooding the US. Far away from the chaotic southern border is New York City, which is experiencing its own migrant crisis

On Wednesday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams signed an executive order that eases shelter requirements for homeless families. The order suspends city laws that regulate how, when, and where homeless families can be sheltered. It comes just one day before Title 42 ends. 

“With over 130 emergency sites and eight humanitarian relief centers already opened, we have reached our limit, and this last week we had to resort to temporarily housing recent arrivals in gyms.

“We will make every effort to get asylum seekers into shelter as quickly as possible as we have done since day one,” Fabien Levy, a spokesman for the Democratic mayor, said in a statement. 

Levy said the effort is to ensure asylum seekers find “shelter as quickly as possible” as Democrat-run metro areas across the country prepare for a surge in migrants in the coming days and weeks upon Title 42 expiration. 

Bloomberg said NYC is spending $8 million per day to house 40,000 asylum seekers. The spokesperson said more than 500 migrants per day have been entering the city in the last week. 

Source: Bloomberg 

NYC’s migrant crisis has been so severe that the mayor plans to ship several hundred adult male migrants to hotels in Orange Lake and Orangeburg, in upstate Rockland County. In recent months, migrants from Texas and other border states have been bussed in, making Adams and fellow Democrats furious. 

Let’s not forget Biden administration officials largely ignored the border and began dismantling border security and immigration enforcement in the first two years of office. It was only until recently, after a flood of migrants could no longer be ignored, overrunning Democrat cities, as well as the imminent expiration of Title 42, and what could be an invasion of up to 150,000 migrants in the coming days, have Biden officials sent reinforcements to border states.

A little too late, we might say, and wonder if the Biden administration is intentionally sparking a border crisis. 

Ah yes… 

. . . 

Tyler Durden
Thu, 05/11/2023 – 20:00

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