YouTube Deletes Years-Old Mike Tyson Interview With RFK Jr.

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In another censorship move, YouTube has deleted several high-profile interviews with US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Among the videos removed from the platform was an hour-and-a-half-long podcast featuring Kennedy in conversation with boxing legend Mike Tyson, as noticed by video journalist Matt Orfalea. This takedown occurred just ten days ago, following the disappearance of another RFK Jr. interview – this time with comedian Theo Von – from the video-sharing platform.

The two deleted interviews, both dating back to 2020, had garnered significant popularity among YouTube’s vast user base. The interview conducted by Von had received almost a quarter of a million views, while Tyson’s podcast with Kennedy had been viewed almost half a million times. This popularity underscores the wide reach these videos had and the potential impact of their removal.

YouTube’s justification for this sudden takedown remains unclear, particularly as Kennedy is currently running for President and the videos were safely on the platform for almost three years.

The only explanation provided to viewers was a vague notification stating, “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.” However, this statement offers no concrete details about which specific guidelines were violated, leaving users to speculate about the exact reasons behind the removal.

Some observers are questioning whether the takedown could be related to YouTube’s policy on COVID-19 misinformation. However, if this was indeed the case, the timing of the removal raises additional questions. Both interviews were initially posted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and remained online throughout the period, Orfalea reported. It’s only now, in the wake of Kennedy’s escalating 2024 Presidential campaign, that the videos have been removed.

The timing is curious and might suggest that the removal is politically motivated, though this is purely speculation. If the deletion was due to violations of YouTube’s COVID-19 misinformation policy, why would it take effect long after the pandemic peak and just as Kennedy’s presidential campaign is gaining momentum?

In the video, Kennedy also says he believes the CIA was involved in the assassination of his father, Robert F. Kennedy.

While we await further clarification from YouTube on its actions, these events underscore the ongoing debate around digital content censorship and the power held by tech giants. It raises questions about the transparency of their content regulation processes and the potential for the exertion of political influence.

The post YouTube Deletes Years-Old Mike Tyson Interview With RFK Jr. appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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