Poland Was Likely Base Of Operations For Nord Stream Sabotage, German Investigation Finds

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Poland Was Likely Base Of Operations For Nord Stream Sabotage, German Investigation Finds

A fresh report in The Wall Street Journal says that the saboteurs who carried out the Nord Stream pipeline attack likely used Poland as an operating base from which to launch the covert op.

“The probe by Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office is examining why the yacht they believe was used to carry out the operation journeyed into Polish waters,” WSJ wrote in a Saturday investigative report. “Other findings suggest Poland was a hub for the logistics and financing of last September’s undersea sabotage attack that severed the strongest bond tying Berlin to Moscow.”

Image via yacht.de

The new allegations are based on the findings of the German investigation, which Polish authorities have reportedly been seeking and struggling to gain access to. If true, it could escalate already boiling tensions between Warsaw and Moscow, and put Russia further on a war-footing with NATO. 

“German investigators have fully reconstructed the entire two-week long voyage of the Andromeda—the 50-foot white pleasure yacht suspected of being involved in one of the biggest acts of sabotage on the continent since World War II—and pinpointed that it deviated from its target to venture into Polish waters,” WSJ continued.

The WSJ report cites as evidence for the Poland connections that German investigators were able to piece together tracking information from the boat’s satellite and mobile phones, as well as navigation equipment and radio devices, and even Gmail accounts.

Investigators have further been able to determine that the Andromeda had sailed around or near each of the precise locations where the blasts took place in the Baltic Sea, leading them to believe it was involved in the plot. However, other recent investigative reports have cast doubt on the narrative surrounding the Andromeda.

Among the additional more interesting details of the Saturday WSJ report is the official German investigation conclusion that HMX (acronym for High Melting eXplosive), also called Octogen, was used in the underwater demolition

Colorless and able to be used underwater, Octogen is according to one industrial chemicals source described as “one of the most powerful series-manufactured blasting explosives.” Further, “It’s applied as a military explosive both individually (in form of different charges) and as a component of explosive compositions.”

A number of recent reports coming surprisingly from within mainstream media have demolished the early narrative from the West that Russia sabotaged its own pipelines.

At the start of this week The Washington Post reported that an unnamed European intelligence service told the CIA that Ukraine’s military was planning an attack on the Nord Stream pipelines a full three months before the September 26, 2022 sabotage blasts which disabled them.

The revelation was based on Pentagon and classified intelligence documents leaked by Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira, or part of the so-called Discord leaks. The intelligence report in question was drafted in June 2022 and shared with the Biden administration, which means the White House has known all along that the “Putin did it” narrative which the West rallied around was false from the start.

“Details about the plan, which have not been previously reported, were collected by a European intelligence service and shared with the CIA in June 2022,” the Tuesday WaPo report said. “They provide some of the most specific evidence to date linking the government of Ukraine to the eventual attack in the Baltic Sea, which U.S. and Western officials have called a brazen and dangerous act of sabotage on Europe’s energy infrastructure.”

Tyler Durden
Sat, 06/10/2023 – 11:00

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