A month ago, I mentioned evidence (provided by the Dutch Institute RIVM) of a dramatic increase in cognitive problems among adults.
This blog post is a departure from my usual fare, but it touches upon a topic that worries me greatly. I want to bring attention to a disturbing trend I have noticed, which has just been confirmed by the Dutch Health Institute RIVM. The trend is a rapid decline in the cognitive abilities of many people
That post struck a nerve and prompted many readers to share their observations and feelings about cognitive changes they observed in themselves or their loved ones. As of today, the post garnered 1,263 comments!
A friend of this blog, a popular substacker A Midwestern Doctor, offered to share further thoughts and observations. As I consider this to be a supremely important topic, I hope that the below text, which I did not write, will promote further discussion and thinking about the cognitive changes we observe.
I know many vaccinated and many unvaccinated people. Many of them, thankfully, are fine. Some have issues while remaining good, promising, and valuable human beings. I hope the struggles of those with emergent difficulties with the executive function will prompt a search for solutions.
While the thoughts below concentrate on vaccine-related issues, I plan on exploring this topic in the future and looking into other factors that may also affect human intellectual functioning.
The text below was written by A Midwestern Doctor. I want to offer it as food for thought. As always, you are welcome to agree or disagree with anything; your opinions will not be censored. So comment away!
When the COVID-19 vaccines were brought to market, due to their design I expected them to have safety issues, and I expected over the long term, a variety of chronic issues would be linked to them. This was because there were a variety of reasons to suspect they would cause autoimmune disorders, fertility issues and cancers—but for some reason (as shown by the Pfizer EMA leaks), the vaccines had been exempted from being appropriately tested for any of these issues prior to being given to humans.
Since all new drugs are required to receive that testing, I interpreted it to be a tacit admission it was known major issues would emerge in these areas, and that a decision was made that it was better to just not officially test any of them so there would be no data to show Pfizer knew the problems would develop. Sadly, since the time the vaccines entered the market, those three issues (especially autoimmunity) have become some of the most common severe events associated with the vaccines.
At the start of the vaccine rollout, there were four red flags to me:
•The early advertising campaigns for the vaccines mentioned that you would feel awful when you got the vaccine, but that was fine and a sign the vaccine was working. Even with vaccines that had a very high rate of adverse events (e.g., the HPV vaccine), I never saw this mentioned. This signified it was likely the adverse event rate with the spike protein vaccines would be much higher than normal.
•Many of my colleagues who got the vaccine (since they were healthcare workers they were able to get it first) posted on social media about just how awful they felt after getting the vaccine. This was also something I had never seen with a previous vaccine. After some digging, I noticed those with the worse vaccine reactions typically had already had COVID and had their reaction was to the second shot rather than the first, signifying that some type of increased sensitization was occurring from repeated exposures to the spike protein. Likewise, the published clinical trial about Pfizer’s vaccine also showed adverse reactions were much higher with the second rather than first shot.
•Once it became available to the general public, I immediately had patients start showing up with vaccine reactions, many of whom stated they received their flu shot each year and never had experienced something similar with a previous vaccination. One of the most concerning things were the pre-exacerbation of autoimmune diseases (e.g., spots in their body they previously would occasionally have arthritis in all felt like they were on fire). After I started looking into this I realized people were seeing between a 15-25% rate of new autoimmune disorders or exacerbations of existing autoimmune disorders developing after the vaccine (later shown in an Israeli survey), a massive increase I had never seen any previous vaccine cause.
•About a month after the vaccines were available to the public, I started having friends and patients share that they’d known someone who had unexpectedly died suddenly after receiving the vaccine (typically from a heart attack, stroke, or a sudden aggressive case of COVID-19).
This was extremely concerning to me, because reactions to a toxin typically distribute on a bell curve, with the severe ones being much rarer than the moderate ones. This meant that if that many severe reactions were occurring, what I could already see was only the tip of the iceberg and far, far more less obvious reactions were going to be happening, to the point it was likely many people I knew would end up experiencing complications from the vaccine.
I tried to warn my colleagues about the dangers of this vaccine, but even when I pointed out Pfizer’s own trial admitted the vaccine was more likely to harm than help you, no one would listen to me. Not being sure what else to do, but not be willing to do nothing, I decided to start documenting all the severe reactions I came across so I could have some type of “proof” to show my colleagues.
This was something that was extremely important at the time since no one was willing to take on the personal risk of publishing that something went against the narrative (that vaccines were killing people) in the peer reviewed literature. Shortly after Steve Kirsch kindly helped launched my Substack, I decided to post the log I’d put together, and since there was a critical need for that information, the post went viral and created much of the initial reader base that made my substack possible.
It was immensely time consuming to do the project (especially the verification of the story that was reported to me), so I ended the project after a year. During that time, I came across 45 cases of either a death (these compromised the majority of the 45 cases), something I expected to be fatal later on (e.g., a metastatic cancer) or a permanent complete disability. Additionally, in line with the previously described bell curve, I also came across many more significant but not as severe injuries.
The post Cognitive Impairment in Adults – What Role Did Covid Vaccines Play? appeared first on LewRockwell.
The daily news and opinion site LewRockwell.com was founded in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard. Visit https://www.lewrockwell.com